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Сварочный магнит on/off Pivot Angle 200 Magswitch, WELDLINE
Сварочный магнит on/off Pivot Angle 200 Magswitch, WELDLINE 2.
Сварочный магнит on/off Pivot Angle 200 Magswitch, WELDLINE 3.
Сварочный магнит on/off Pivot Angle 200 Magswitch, WELDLINE 4.
Сварочный магнит on/off Pivot Angle 200 Magswitch, WELDLINE 5.
Сварочный магнит on/off Pivot Angle 200 Magswitch, WELDLINE 6.

Сварочный магнит on/off Pivot Angle 200 Magswitch, WELDLINE

Код товара: W000373789&LE   MPN: W000373789   GTIN: 3457140344193   , C
Switchable ON/OFF extremely powerful magnet for super fast setups and instant work-holding.It has a holding angle range from 28 to 270 degrees, with each axis featuring a Magswitch magnet with a 90 kg holding capability.Dimensions: 240x240x91mm,Magnetic force: 90kg,Weight: 1,72kg.Features:- On/off Magswitch magnet control—precise placement,- Turns off all the way,- Pipe notch,- On/off control—no fighting the magnet, precise positioning,- Stays clean—when turned off, debris falls off,- Instant work-holding anywhere on a steel surface.

The correct usage of welding magnets is to hold the workpieces with them at the desired angle and tack it.
Then you must remove the magnets and, after that, start welding the joints.
Removing the welding magnets is important because they are sensitive to heat (they will start to lose strength) and can influence an electric arc.
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  • Oписание
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  • Switchable ON/OFF extremely powerful magnet for super fast setups and instant work-holding.It has a holding angle range from 28 to 270 degrees, with each axis featuring a Magswitch magnet with a 90 kg holding capability.Dimensions: 240x240x91mm,Magnetic force: 90kg,Weight: 1,72kg.Features:- On/off Magswitch magnet control—precise placement,- Turns off all the way,- Pipe notch,- On/off control—no fighting the magnet, precise positioning,- Stays clean—when turned off, debris falls off,- Instant work-holding anywhere on a steel surface.

    The correct usage of welding magnets is to hold the workpieces with them at the desired angle and tack it.
    Then you must remove the magnets and, after that, start welding the joints.
    Removing the welding magnets is important because they are sensitive to heat (they will start to lose strength) and can influence an electric arc. Фото и видео носят иллюстративный характер.
  • масса1.72 кг
    Ширина300 мм
    Глубина130 мм
    Высота300 мм
    Единица измеренияшт
    EAN / GTIN3457140344193
    Код товараW000373789&LE

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