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Suvirinimo dūmų filtravimo sistema Push-Pull

Suvirinimo dūmų filtravimo sistema Push-Pull

Код товара: PUSH-PULL&PLY   , C
Does your facility have an issue with clouds of fumes building up over the metal working area? If so, Plymovent, a world leader in fume extraction and filtration, has a proven solution that will eliminate the fumes lingering above the shop floor. Our Push/Pull systems are proven and effective systems which have been installed in top manufacturing facilities around the world. Push/Pull systems can make a significant contribution to your facility providing you and your employees with a cleaner, healthier and safer working environment. Systems meet the challenges in work environments, where the following situations can occur:
• At source capture may not be effective where large work pieces are being dealt with.
• Operators are working in areas where effective source capture is diffi cult.
• Pers. protection equipment protects the operators but not others in the facility. The recirculation of filtered air ensures substantial cost savings
because no energy has to be used for reheating.
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  • Does your facility have an issue with clouds of fumes building up over the metal working area? If so, Plymovent, a world leader in fume extraction and filtration, has a proven solution that will eliminate the fumes lingering above the shop floor. Our Push/Pull systems are proven and effective systems which have been installed in top manufacturing facilities around the world. Push/Pull systems can make a significant contribution to your facility providing you and your employees with a cleaner, healthier and safer working environment. Systems meet the challenges in work environments, where the following situations can occur:
    • At source capture may not be effective where large work pieces are being dealt with.
    • Operators are working in areas where effective source capture is diffi cult.
    • Pers. protection equipment protects the operators but not others in the facility. The recirculation of filtered air ensures substantial cost savings
    because no energy has to be used for reheating. Фото и видео носят иллюстративный характер.
  • масса100 кг
    Единица измеренияшт
    Код товараPUSH-PULL&PLY

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