Replaces our original 9100 helmet if it becomes worn or damaged
Welding helmet with side windows
With headband and silver front panel
Fits 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Filter Series 9100 (not included)
3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmet 9100 with side windows, without welding filter, 501800 is a spare part that replaces our original 9100 welding helmet if it becomes worn or damaged and you still can use your welding filter. It only includes headband and silver front panel.
For a spare part 9100 welding helmet with side windows, headband and silver front panel, but without the welding filter, get 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmet 9100, 501800. Replaces your original 9100 welding helmet if it becomes worn or damaged, but you still can use the welding filter. High-comfort Speedglas headband 9100 with smooth ratchet for precise tightening.
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Информация товара
Replaces our original 9100 helmet if it becomes worn or damaged
Welding helmet with side windows
With headband and silver front panel
Fits 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Filter Series 9100 (not included)
3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmet 9100 with side windows, without welding filter, 501800 is a spare part that replaces our original 9100 welding helmet if it becomes worn or damaged and you still can use your welding filter. It only includes headband and silver front panel.
For a spare part 9100 welding helmet with side windows, headband and silver front panel, but without the welding filter, get 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmet 9100, 501800. Replaces your original 9100 welding helmet if it becomes worn or damaged, but you still can use the welding filter. High-comfort Speedglas headband 9100 with smooth ratchet for precise tightening. Фото и видео носят иллюстративный характер.
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